Styling Conversation Pages

Customizing your conversation design is an important step in creating effective conversations on Oomiji. Your conversation design should align with your brand identity and message and be visually appealing to encourage respondents to participate. Here are some key elements to consider when customizing your conversation design:

  1. Colors: Oomiji allows you to customize the colors of your conversation to match your brand or website. Choose colors that are consistent with your brand identity, and ensure that they are easily distinguishable to make your survey easy to navigate.
  2. Fonts: Choose fonts that are easy to read and consistent with your brand identity. Avoid using multiple fonts, as this can make your survey look cluttered and difficult to read.
  3. Layout: Oomiji provides a range of layout options, including single-page and multi-page conversation. Choose a layout that is appropriate for your conversation and makes it easy for respondents to navigate.
  4. Branding: Adding your logo and other branding elements to your conversation can make it more professional and cohesive. Use your branding elements strategically to reinforce your message and brand identity.
  5. Images and Multimedia: Oomiji allows you to add images, videos, and other multimedia elements to your conversation to make it more engaging. Use images and multimedia strategically to reinforce your message and encourage respondents to participate.
  6. Mobile Optimization: With more and more respondents using mobile devices to take surveys, it's essential to ensure that your conversation is optimized for mobile devices. Oomiji provides mobile optimization features to ensure that your conversation is accessible and easy to complete on mobile devices.

Configuring your conversation settings on Oomiji is a crucial step in creating effective surveys that deliver the results you need. Here are some key settings to consider:

  1. Conversation language: Set the language of your conversation to ensure that your respondents can easily understand and respond to your questions. Oomiji provides support for multiple languages, so you can create surveys in the language of your choice.
  2. Skip logic and branching: Skip logic and branching are powerful features that allow you to customize the conversation experience for each respondent. With skip logic, you can skip irrelevant questions and direct respondents to questions that are relevant to their answers. With branching, you can direct respondents to different sections of the survey based on their responses to previous questions.
  3. Conversation completion options: Oomiji provides a range of conversation completion options, including sending a thank-you message, redirecting respondents to a specific webpage, or providing a link to a reward or incentive. Choose the completion option that aligns with your conversation goals and messaging.
  4. Respondent identification: You can choose to allow respondents to remain anonymous or require them to provide identifying information such as their name and email address. If you require identifying information, make sure that you are complying with relevant data protection regulations such as GDPR.
  5. Access options: You can choose how respondents will access your survey, whether it's via a link, embedded on a webpage, or integrated with your website or app.