Create Conversation Page and Features: How to build a conversation

Here you can design a multi-question conversation/survey, test the conversation on different platforms, edit conversations and create rules.

Conversation Designer

Build your conversation in this tab. Create a conversation title and upload your logo where shown. Write a short intro to your conversation that will appear at the top and be the first thing that the respondent reads. If your conversation will have multiple pages, you can add page titles and page descriptions, as well. You can add new pages by clicking on Add New Page + tab. Every conversation has to have an email question so it’s always added to each conversation automatically.

Toolbox & Properties Tabs

In Toolbox, select and add questions. In Properties, define the properties of the conversation overall or of different questions.

Frequently Used Questions

Select the question you want and it will appear in your conversation. 

Custom Questions

Click to build your survey with specific types of questions. The question will appear to the left and you can write the question you want to ask and the choices if multiple choice.

To learn more about different types of questions visit How to use different question types

Test Conversation

Preview your conversation in different device types and make sure all elements work as expected. In addition to previewing the conversation here, we recommend you send the link to yourself and several colleagues so that you can test it and make sure all questions are set up correctly.

Conversation Logic

This is an advanced option where you can create rules based on user responses. For example, you may have a qualifying question at the beginning of your survey (such as “Are you over 21?” for a wine survey) or you may have different sets of questions for different audiences (such as “Are you a student or a teacher? for a school survey.)

Always make sure you click Save Conversation as you are making edits so you don’t lose any progress. (If you navigate away from the conversation builder without saving changes, you will receive a message reminding you to go back and save changes.)