Importance and use of primary interests

There is no such thing as a general consumer or customer. Everyone has their own needs and interests and your customers have a specific area of interest for your brand.  A primary interest regarding your brand could be news about the brand, its history, the stories around it, or anything that different types of customers may express interest in. For example, with wine brands, primary interests are usually (1) food pairings; (2) wine travel; (3) region and grapes; (4) winery news. But they could be anything that indicates differences from one customer to another.

Primary Interests are differentiators among your customers. They enable you to address one group of customers differently from another and cater to their specific interests and needs. You can use them to segment your customers and send them content specific to their interests. This is easy to do on the Oomiji platform and it tells your customers that you’re listening. 

There are two ways to learn about your customers' primary interests: 

  1. Select 3 to 5 primary interests (we recommend starting with 3) and put them in a dropdown menu next to the question, “What is your primary interest with our brand?” on all of your landing pages, whether on your website or on separate URL’s. You can do that in the acquire section of the platform. They will automatically append to each individual’s file in your contacts file IF you’ve created a “primary interest” category. 
  2. In the “Understand” section of the platform, create a conversation that asks your customers their email address and their primary interest using the same question as above and the “Radiogroup” type of question so they can only select one answer.

Once you’ve collected primary interests for your customers, using one of the methods above, create and save a segment for each primary interest. You only have to do it once, new customers will automatically go into the right primary interest segment as long as you have that information. Then, you can create content that is specific to each primary interest and watch their engagement grow.