Setting up standard and custom fields

Before you start importing your contacts, if you have an existing list, ask yourself what is the most important data that you want to collect for each contact. There are some standard pieces of information that most marketers collect so we made those standard:

We also added the Primary Interest field as standard because we want you to start thinking about how you can segment your database into meaningful categories which will be easy for them to self-segment into. 

For your Custom Fields, review the data you already collect or think about the kind of data that would be useful for you to segment, analyze, or contact your customers. Most often these fields are WHO you customers are and not dynamic data like past purchases. Demographic data like gender, date of birth (especially if your industry has to enforce age restrictions like in the case of wine and spirits), education, or employment. Be cognizant of your subscribers' need for privacy and only ask them for information that will be actionable and used in your activities. Refrain from asking them to provide information that might be perceived as too intrusive, like net worth. 

At this time, there is limit of 25 custom fields. 

When adding custom fields, be sure to select the correct field type since different types of data will have different ways of creating segments. For dates, you will be able to select before, after, or between. For text, you will be able to select contains, begins with, or is exactly. 

Once you've set up all the fields you want to collect, you will be ready. to import your existing list or go to create a landing page to start collecting information on new customers.