Understand Dashboard: Viewing & Features
Conversation Dashboard is where you can create conversations with your customers (conversations are what we are calling surveys in Oomiji), analyze their responses and create and save segments of respondents for further communication.
Why do we refer to surveys as conversations? Surveys tend to imply many questions but most people drop out of surveys after 8-12 questions so we suggest thinking about them as conversations where you can ask 2-5 questions, maximize your response, segment the respondents and send them emails based on their specific response.
In addition to overall success metrics for all of your conversations at the top of the page, you can also see all the conversations you’ve set up so far with the charts showing completions both over time as well as per question. You can toggle between these two options by climbing on the Time Chart/Completions button next to each conversation.
In addition to that, each conversation has a full menu you can access by clicking on the three dots next to its name:
Edit - before you’ve launched the conversation, this is how you access it to make changes and updates
View - link to the survey in the browser so you can see exactly what it will look like to users
Observations - link to the results page where you can view detailed charts and segment the results
Export Data - any responses you collected can be exported to a CSV file
Remove Responses - before you launch any conversations we recommend you test it by sending it to yourself and several colleagues so that you can make sure everything was set up correctly. Before you actually send it to your users, you will want to remove any test responses so that they are not skewing your data.
Deactivate - if you want to temporarily (or permanently) stop collecting the responses, you can deactivate the conversation here. (This option will change to Activate if your conversation is not active.)
Copy - you can duplicate any conversation to use as a starting off point if you want to reuse any elements.
Delete Conversation - if you no longer want to keep the conversation, you can delete it. This is permanent and can’t be reversed so use this option carefully!
Our platform AI has been launched and you can now ask open-ended questions of your customers. These questions typically begin with “Why”,”What”, “How”, “Tell us about” or any format where you don’t want to create a bias or limit the choices that can take place in a closed-ended question. You can also ask a closed-ended question and then follow it with an open-ended that may ask “What is the reason for your answer to the previous question?” You then can segment people by the choices in the first question along with the open-ended question to create specific segments.
Analysis of open-ended questions starts when 50 responses are received and updates daily for 7 days. After that, there is a button that can be updated once every 24 hours.