Acquire Dashboard: Viewing & Features

Landing pages are standalone web pages you create for a marketing or advertising campaign.  When a potential customer clicks on a link in an email or on an ad, this is where you take them to capture their information before they go on to your website. You should keep you landing pages simple and with a single call to action: for the visitor to fill out the form and sign up to join your community. Having multiple calls to action will make your landing pages less effective.

Acquire dashboard shows all of your landing pages with the charts showing the numbers of subscribers through each both by date and the cumulative count. 

You can also view the details of each landing pages by clicking on the menu and selecting Details.

The details page will have the daily and cumulative charts, as well as field completion percentages and the list of all subscribers who signed up through this page. You can segment these results based on the information collected on the landing page as well as any information you collected elsewhere and appended to the record.