Contacts Dashboard: Viewing & Features

The Contacts section is where you can view all of your customers, see the growth of your database and key characteristics in charts and data, as well as create standard and custom fields, import contacts, search for or edit contacts or move them to a suppression list. You can also create and save database segments from any combination of database fields.

When you first set up your accounts, all the charts will be empty. Before you import any existing lists that you may have, we suggest reviewing our guides on setting up standard and custom fields as well as the importance of primary interest

If you already use another email distribution platform, you should upload your suppression list before you import any contacts.

Once you’ve uploaded your suppression list, you can upload your existing database.

If you haven’t been using any email distribution platform, you can skip the suppression list import. Going forward, any emails that are unsubscribed or that hard bounce on sending will automatically be added to your suppression list and removed from your list of active subscribers.

If you don’t have an existing customer list, you can set up landing pages in the Acquire section to start collecting subscribers either on a standalone landing page on Oomiji or by embedding the form on your own website. Any subscribers that sign up through landing pages will automatically be added to your database and their information will be shown on the Contacts Dashboard.

When you’ve added subscribers, you can segment them based on any contact criteria right on the Contacts Dashboard. Segments can be saved and used across all the sections of the platform. For example, if you create a segment of all female subscribers in New York, you can go to any landing page and apply that segment to see how many subscribers on that landing page are females from New York. In the same way, if you run a conversation (which is what we are calling surveys on Oomiji), when you look at the results, you can segment them to see how females in New York responded. And, finally, you can either create a mailing list so that you send an email only to female subscribers in New York or if you’ve send an email to your entire database, you can view engagement reports for female subscribers in New York only. 

You can only do that on Oomiji because all the sections of the platforms are native and fully integrated with each other.